
So, why do things get easier after they're five? There's a load of reasons, and if any dads reading this want to offer their own, please do! But I think the main thing is that parenting becomes a lot less physical. You're lifting them less, running around after them less, spending less your time crawling around on the floor picking up toys. I went deep into this here: https://www.thenewfatherhood.org/p/lets-get-physical

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I know this isn't quite the prompt, but I wanted to encourage any dads going through the very beginning stages of the tunnel that it truly does get SO much more rewarding around month 2 into month 3.

We joke that our 11 weeker just had a "factory reset". He's learning so quickly and is so much more interactive and for lack of a better word....fun! If you're in the trenches of the newborn phase, just know there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

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My kids are 3 and 5, and am already feeling like I'm coming out of the tunnel. The two big differences for me are:

1) They are playing more independently. They don't need me paying attention to them constantly. My 5 year old can take a Lego kit and go off and build it by himself for an hour and just needs me to share his celebration when he's done. Even my 3 year old was playing by herself in a pool for a couple hours at a weekend getaway.

2) They are sleeping better. My older one is a good sleeper but my younger has been a nightmare and the lack of sleep was brutal.

Being able to have a little more time to myself and be awake enough to be out of constant survival mode feels like a blessing.

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Thanks for the great arena for dads, it’s really hitting me at a time when I need it badly. Responding to another comment, kindergarten has got me buggin. My oldest is headed to K in the fall and I feel like he is not emotionally prepared, socially he still feels like a baby to me. The younger one (almost 3) could go to K tomorrow. Anybody feeling this, and any words of wisdom?

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About 2 months away from our second arriving and our first is 2.5. My wife and I both struggled with losing ourselves a bit as hobbies and such took a backseat and now I'm worried anything left that we had will disappear as we dive deeper into our tunnel. Any advice from those out or close to out regarding keeping one's interests alive even though you have no time or energy for them?

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Not on topic, but one day until the new 28 minute Bluey! I am maybe as excited as our 4 y/o.

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I have two boys, 25mo and 5mo. The toddler has recently taken to biting, hitting, and kicking and it's really bothering me. I know it's developmentally normal and am trying to both explain what hands & teeth CAN be used for vs. can't, as well as give him other tools to recognize and deal with emotions like frustration, but I sometimes fear he's too young to understand me. I also think he's starting to become jealous of the attention that his younger brother gets, especially as the little one starts to teethe.

Any light for this especially dark section of The Tunnel would be much appreciated :)

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