Bluey is an absolutely amazing show - it definitely makes me want to be a better Dad. However, and this could be controversial, I have found myself burning myself out completely in trying to achieve 'peak Bandit' and setup unrealistic expectations in my son for how much i'm able to 'Blueyise' our playtime.

Just something to wonder about.

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Bluey gives me hope in humanity when I’m feeling pessimistic about things.

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I have sobbed in so many Bluey episodes - Cricket (being a fan 🏏) was such a phenomenal highlight. Beyond it’s charm, the ability to highlight to every parent the joy of going all in on ‘pretend’ is just incredible. I even notice it in our own kids - they laugh longer and squeal louder at those kinds of games far more that any toy playing.

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Bluey is the best. Always disappointed when the nieces want to watch PJ Masks instead. XD Thank you for your thoughts on this.

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Its safe to admin here that I've stolen a ton of ideas (games) from bluey right? 100% the best kids cartoon out there.

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...we need to watch more Bluey.

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