Wonderful post. I'm always struck by how emotional I get around this topic. It finally hit me today. Grief and parenthood pulls at my heart in a slightly different way: the loss of children that never came to be. From miscarriages, to pre-mature births, to my family experience with my infertility. We mourned the loss of not being able to have a biological family (the imagined family we dreamed of). I remember too few adults capable of meeting our grief where we were at - and having also met a family that's lost a toddler, it was all too true for them, as well. We need more places to comfortably sit in grief together (all kinds of grief) far more than we need new VR glasses.

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Martín Prechtel’s gem of gentle wisdom, "Grief is praise because it is the natural way love honors what it misses", continues to be a mystery school for me. A singular experience of yearning that levels us all.

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Brian Doyle's 'The Wet Engine' is another amazing book that explores a father's experience of navigating his young son's need for a heart transplant.

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I had the opportunity to read both books - at recommendations from fellow fathers in your community - last year and can confirm they’re must reads.

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