Jan 19, 2021Liked by Kevin Maguire

"...although it means you’ll probably find yourself crying at more Pixar films than you used to"... Omg, this is totally me!!!I've watched "Inside Out" 3-4 times so far, the last one being last year, when my daughter was around 3 years old and I cried sooooooooo much more than my previous views :))

And totally agree with the other points you mentioned. There's no house errand that should be assigned to either parties. Everyone should do whatever they can and keep the wheel turning. Especially in "cis" marriages or relationships, there's a huge imbalance, which is causing too much stuff being dumped onto women's shoulders generally. I personally believe that there's not a single thing a father cannot do for childcare/home care except for breastfeeding. All the other stuff so called dads say are excuses, nothing else.

Thanks again for another spectacular post Kevin! Greetings from Barcelona!

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Jan 19, 2021Liked by Kevin Maguire

“... you’ll probably find yourself crying at more Pixar films than you used to.”

If that ain’t me. 😂

I’m really drawn to the visual cycle you’ve included in this post. Helps one understand how interconnected all of this truly is and how singular actions can have ripple effects far beyond what we can see presently. (At what point will my kids think of my “surly dad voice” as just my regular voice? 😅)

I’m also fascinated by the evolving dynamics of the home. You make the point of furthering equality between men and women when it comes to parenting, and I think that could use a post on the blog all on it’s own. What does true “equality” look like for parents? Should expectations be the same for every couple? Might it be worth exploring opportunity vs. responsibility in terms of the balance between a couple? How does the dynamic shift in other situations (single dad vs. single mom, etc.)?

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Oh yes Hunter—equality (or the lack thereof) is something I want to cover. I live in Barcelona, which is quite progressive by Spanish standards, but things are still very traditional here, with gender norms hard to shift around the balance of responsibilities between parents.

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Would be just great to look at cultural approaches to parenting. Could make for a great mini-blog series. Not just America vs. Europe, but cultures everywhere.

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deletedJan 20, 2021Liked by Kevin Maguire
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Thank you for sharing this Eric. I didn't do this myself, but reading your comment and thinking about it I really with I would have done! It's such an incredible shortcut to fully understand what a stay-at-home parent will go through.

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