urgh, I really hate subscription models. I want a learn to read app my kid will use that doesn't have an ongoing price that is going to make me annoyed when he doesn't use it for a month.

Also, we're getting a lot of good mileage out of pbs kids apps - games and videos. currently getting into super why, though the games associated with it are dumb, and he has a love/hate relationship with wild kratts (told me yesterday he hated them, berated me today for not downloading enough of their episodes for a long drive...). I'm still deeply curious about the origin of dinosaur train but he loves that too.

I will admit that I'm not really looking for apps to raise aptitudes (reading is a wish), mostly just things that aren't actively harmful. And that don't have the option to drain $$ inadvertently.

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Apr 4Liked by Kevin Maguire

While I liked the essay (per usual) I’m highly skeptical of most of the kids apps, even Khan Academy. When one looks under the hood, they haven’t actually help raise aptitudes in math when controlling for other variables.


Your resident curmudgeon

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I’d have been surprised if you didn’t pipe up here! You’ve been a dad for a while. Have you found any good apps for the kids? Or had to deal with any stealth calculator situations?

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Ha! To my knowledge, I haven’t run into any stealth calculator situations yet. Their iPads are one that is nearly 10 years old (which can’t download any app updates) and one that is 7 which is pretty beat up. WiFi only and in the home. But like Ian Malcolm said, life somehow, finds a way, so I wouldn’t rule it out.

Regarding apps, I remember one monkey counting one that was very basic. I liked it because it would say “mmm, mangoes” in a funny voice. My oldest used it when she was 3 or 4. I still make the voice every time I see a mango. She’s 12 now.

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