Thank you for sharing your story. As a mum of two toddlers, I cannot imagine what you are going through. Parenting indeed is the most important job we will have.

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Thank you for the kind words, Abha ♥️

Two toddlers sounds like a handful too!

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God bless you and your family, Lyle. Thank you for sharing, and yes, while I cannot pretend to know what your experience of fatherhood is like, your larger takeaways are highly relatable. Parenting, like relationships, is kinda like all of my iPhone software updates. The minute I’m comfortable (prepared) and feel like I know what I’m doing, something unexpected comes along and I feel as though I have taken some massive steps backwards.

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Thanks, Hunter!

That's such a clever way of putting it. I can also relate to it with having a stepdaughter who's almost a teenager. The changes are coming fast and furious with her!

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