Mar 3, 2023Liked by Kevin Maguire

Hi Kevin - Im one of those new readers contributing to your yosemite curve above. Glad to be here! Im also a psychologist who wrote his dissertation on the strains of fatherhood, particularly for stay-at-home fathers. For me having a child has deepend my appreciation for employers that value the balance of personal time as a nessecary ingredient to having happier, healthier, more committed employees. But it also did light more of a fire for me to pursue my own private practice which I still squeeze in during my childs naps/after bed-time, etc.

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This post sounds very much in sync with Jonathan Malesic's "The End of Burnout" (released fairly recently by the U of California Press). It's a little more challenging to go through this kind of transformation with a spouse who is working more, but this post might be the nudge I need to seek out a coach.

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That concept of Lagom. So simple, yet so perfect. I had never heard that before but it’s exactly what I’m perpetually seeking (which is quasi-ironic). Thank you again for sharing more of your journey. For what it’s worth, I think the improvement in your physical health you experienced is directly correlated with your life improvement. Well done again.

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Jun 22, 2021Liked by Kevin Maguire

I know this isn’t the driver of the blog, but; your story of dissatisfaction with Google is not uncommon, and I appreciate you taking the time to add to that narrative.

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Thanks for sharing, Kev. As someone going through a bit of a 'what next??' moment it's inspiring to hear how others have charted a way forward.

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