I love this sooooooo much. I find myself constantly battling against the BULLSH*T preconceptions of what a “dad” and a “man” are supposed to be. Love the idea of seeing their opportunity as a clean slate. So lovely.

I love ballet, theatre, cuddling and being open with my emotions. I don’t eat meat and I quit drinking and I don’t think that when I’m with the kids I’m “babysitting”. So those are all things that go against the “job” I’ve been assigned by society as a dad. But I’m still every bit the dad I want to be. I love being a dad and I love the dad that I am.

I’m making my own clean slate too, whether society likes it or not. Here’s to us all doing so!

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Loooove this note Marty! Finding our own words and making our own way is the very best adventure. And all anyone needs to do it is their imagination, a little bravery, and a willingness to ignore expectations :)

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Here's to a clean slate—and to all of us not feeling forced into the pigeonholes of others!

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This is an important piece to share, and I thank you for doing so. As most people don't fall precisely into gender norms or labels, it's important for us to diversify our understanding and language to ensure we aren't causing distress by omission. It's such a small thing to ask, not really causing any significant strain on others. If someone could make you feel better by simply changing a few words, wouldn't you want them to?

Parental roles, now more than ever, are interwoven and shared in almost every way. It's important that we can understand and respect each person's contribution to the dynamic. Every person, if willing and able, has a part to play to raise the next generation better than the one before.

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Thanks Kay. As soon as Hana started telling me this story on the phone a few weeks back, I realised it was a perspective on fatherhood that I've never even considered.

The messages we've both received in the last 6 hours have confirmed just what we thought. That this isn't an isolated incident. And is being experienced by "non-traditional" families everywhere.

And you're right! We all have a part to play. Us, and our kids.

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"What even is normal?" is quickly becoming very intermingled with "What is Traditional?" for me. I love seeing and hearing about families creating new traditions, adjusting old ones to fit modern times where possible, and generally being inclusive. It's very apparent to me which people are going to continue to be ethically successful in the future - those willing to adapt and change. Seeing stories like this will hopefully continue to encourage that change in others who may have otherwise not thought about it long enough for it to matter.

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