The first article I’ve read here at the new fatherhood - wonderful. Thank you! I feel inspired 😊 And living here in Brighton, how synchronous to see my city through your eyes 💚

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Thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I'm glad that the past hasn't been able to define your tomorrow.

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May 10Liked by Shihab S Joi

Thank you for sharing something very real, it’s beautifully written. So refreshing and much needed to hear different accounts of fathering.

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This is a beautifully honest post that felt so poignant to me as someone who doesn't know their father. Thank you for sharing, and for learning in and being willing to grow as a parent. I know from a daughter's perspective your children will thank you for this and appreciate the effort. X

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May 8Liked by Shihab S Joi

This is so good. I love the unveiled honesty. You sound like a great dad. Specifically, because you decided to be intentional and to change (but not change the important things about yourself) based on the feedback you were getting. I think that's rare, good on you, dad.

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